This new edition of the rulebook, fully updated with imagery from the Twelfth Doctor’s adventures, presents all the rules and background you need to have your own adventures in space and time in a single volume. The Doctor Who Roleplaying Game is a set in the universe of the world’s longest running science fiction TV show: the BBC’s Doctor Who. There will be fear, heartbreak, and excitement, but above all it’ll be the trip of a lifetime.
The universe is a hostile place, full of Daleks, Zygons, Sontarans, Weeping Angels, Cybermen, Silence, Silurians, and worse. With the Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, the power is in your hands! You can go anywhere or anywhen in the universe. Meet Robin Hood (and duel him with a spoon!), discover what terrible monster lives under your bed, journey inside a Dalek, or travel to the end of time itself. Now imagine you could travel to any time.

This world or countless others, encountering strange alien races, new cultures or hostile environments. If you would like to purchase the physical book which includes a PDF, you can find it Here. This item is the digital PDF version of Doctor Who Roleplaying Game redeemable via direct download.